Instant Kiwi Caper

Ashley is 26 years old and lives in Wellington. He currently has no job. He likes to write random thoughts down on paper, to play on his computer, to be the first finished eating a meal and having pineapple with his desert. He likes to take his time and enjoy the world around him, to bounce on the spot when he's happy and to send people instant kiwis just in the hope that it will brighten up their lives somewhat.

He dislikes being told he's wrong, finding pineapple on his pizza and having nothing to do. He dislikes people who block his way when walking, or wet soggy socks. He dislikes a mess and he dislikes being normal.

Ashley is anything but normal. He is in exact medical terms, just a little strange. He has also watched the movie Amelie!

One day boredom came upon Ashley and he went out and brought ten $1 instant kiwis, ten 40c stamps and (he already had) ten envelopes. In each envelope he placed a hand written message and an instant kiwi. He then closed the envelope and sent it to a random address he got off the internet. The hand written message was as follows...

Dear recipient,

I always wished someone would do this to me but it never happened so instead I decided to do it to others. Please find enclosed one $1 instant kiwi for your scratching pleasure.

Good luck!


Each envelope had the Perihelion web address printed in the bottom corner so that the recipents could trace back to this site to find out more information if they were curious enough. There was no return address.